Conophytum x marnierianum
Conophytum x marnierianum
Same plant on May 20th.
Conophytum wittebergense
Conophytum wittebergense PV913, Matjiesfontein, RSA.
Conophytum wittebergense
Same Conophytum wittebergense PV913, Matjiesfontein, RSA plant on June 16th.
Conophytum wettsteinii
Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 (MG1471.2)
Conophytum wettsteinii
Same Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 (MG1471.2) plant on June 16th.
Conophytum wettsteinii
Same Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 (MG1471.2) plant on July 22nd.
Conophytum pellucidum
Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum SH1249, Rooifontein on March 18th.
Conophytum meyeri fma 'Leopardium'
Conophytum meyeri fma 'Leopardium' showing just the top of a developing seed capsule in lower leaf pair at left.
Conophytum meyeri
Conophytum meyeri.
Conophytum friedrichiae x ficiforme
Conophytum friedrichiae x ficiforme.
Conophytum friedrichiae x ficiforme
Same plant on July 22nd, looking from the other side. Note the forming color blush.
Conophytum klinghardtense
Conophytum klinghardtense, Heioas December 12th.
Conophytum klinghardtense
Same Conophytum klinghardtense, Heioas plant, May 20th.
Conophytum x? maughanii
Conophytum x? maughanii December 12th.
Conophytum x? maughanii
Same Conophytum x? maughanii plant on June 17th.
Conophytum x? maughanii
Same Conophytum x? maughanii plant on July 22nd. Compare rotation of new leaves to previous image.
Conophytum x? maughanii
Conophytum x? maughanii plant on March 18th.
Conophytum x? maughanii
Same Conophytum x? maughanii plant on June 17th.
Conophytum roodiae
Conophytum roodiae ssp roodiae plant on July 17th.
Conophytum reconditum
Conophytum reconditum (clonotype) plant on June 17th. Tiny and minuscule, with leaves less than 1/16 inch square, it amazes me that it was actually discovered!
Conophytum obcordellum
Conophytum obcordellum v. obcordellum on July 17th, just starting to break through last year's pink paper cover.
Conophytum uviforme
Conophytum uviforme ssp uviforme CR1161 plant on July 17th.
Conophytum globosum
Conophytum globosum
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