Conophytum ssp. cupreatum SH1249, Rooifontein. This clone has the
largest bodies of three sparate clones from Steven A. Hammer. Three
flowers photographed on 09/15/07. |
The same clone of Conophytum ssp. cupreatum SH1249, Rooifontein, as
in the previous image, somewhat unusually, a
fourth flower blossoms after the other three blooms have become satiny
dried silken tossels, probably just indicating plant division next year.
Photographed 09/29/2007. |
Conophytum ssp. cupreatum SH 1249, Rooifontein. The second of the three
different clones from Steven Hammer. Photographed 09/29/2007.
Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor SH1950 W.
Garies, a real miniature, is less than half the size of the plant
seen below. Acquired from Steven A. Hammer, it is dark with only traces
of mysterious colors showing on the dual lobes, pair-wrapped in a
common sheath. Photographed 09/29/07.
Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor Reitberg.
One of two clones acquired from Steven A. Hammer. This plant would have
shown the sheaths of the previous image, but I used surgical tweezers
to preen the plant for the photo shoot. Photographed 09/29/07
Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor Reitberg.
The second of two clones acquired from Steven A. Hammer. Photographed 09/29/07
Conophytum pellucidum ssp. pellucidum var. terricolor.
A different collected clone. Photographed 09/19/10
Conophytum reconditum (clonotype) plant on September 19th, 2010. Tiny and minuscule, with
leaves less than 1.5 mm square, it amazes me that it was actually discovered! The flowers are
4.5 to 6 mm in diameter.
Conophytum x marnierium. One of three purple-leaved clones obtained
from Steven A. Hammer newly flowers a rich, brilliant orange. Alas,
it will fade to light orange over the next few days. Photographed 09/29/07.
Strangely wavy spotted tops in flower cover the three bodies of
Conophytum wettsteinii SB795 Modderfontein from Mesa Garden, number
MG1596.9. Photographed 09/09/07.
The same plant as above, Conophytum wettsteinii SB795 Modderfontein
from Mesa Garden, number MG1596.9. Photographed from the side, 09/09/07.
 Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 Anenous
Pass, MG1471.2 Plant obtained from MesaGarden. Photographed 09/29/07.
Such a classic look. I could be mistaken, but wasn't this cast on a Star Treck episode?
Conophytum Meyeri cv. 'Niveum'. Obtained as rooted cuttings from
Steven A. Hammer. Photographed 09/15/2007. Flowers are shorter lived than on other Conophytum.
Conophytum pearsonii 'glabrum' Bitterfontein. Obtained as rooted cuttings from
Mesa Garden, number MG1441.1. Photographed 10/21/2007. Flowers are at the end of their life.
Copyright © Thomas Legbandt 2010